I was 13 years old, living in a small town called Patos de Minas in Minas Gerais, Brazil at the time. I slept in the same bedroom as my mom, but she was not at home that night, so after dinner, I watched some TV and went to bed.

That was a hot night, so I left the window open to get some air. I didn’t remember very well what time was it but it was before 9 PM when I got to bed. I fell asleep after some minutes. I woke up with a brighter light than usual in my room, the light was coming from the window, but it was much brighter than it should be because the window of our bedroom was not faced to the street. I remember that I had some issues opening my eyes because of the light. When I was able to finally see better, I saw three entities in my window. When I realized that I was totally terrified, but also I was not able to move, maybe because of fear. I first thought that it could be someone trying to get into the house to steal something, but when I focused on the beings, they were not human. They had big heads, the skin was in some shades of gray, the eyes were large and black, the mouths were small and I saw no nose or ears. They were staring at me, and sometimes they would look at each other. I didn’t hear anything, so if they were communicating between them it could be they were talking very low or with their minds. I don’t know how much time passed, I just know that after a while I was able to turn my face away from the window and just kept staring at the wall waiting for that to pass, but the bright light was covering the whole room and I was really scared. I remember turning my face to the window two or three times and the entities were still there. After that, I just remember waking up the next morning. But the weird part is that I didn’t remember anything about that for quite a while. The memory seems to be repressed by my mind for years. I was just able to fully recover the whole experience when I was 17 years old and I didn’t tell this to anyone for 10 years afraid that people say that it was just a dream or that I was crazy. Although I didn’t remember the experience, after that I was never able to go to sleep with the windows or doors open again. My mom asked me many times why I started to sleep with the bedroom windows and door closed and I was not able to explain, just said that I was not feeling comfortable sleeping with them open. I am 30 almost 31 years old today and I still can’t sleep in a room with the windows or door open.


  • Headofsector " Theoretical Foundations of Space Monitoring of the planet '', ANSA, Doctor of Physical - Mathematical Sciences, Academician of MEIA ( International Academy of Energy and Information ) at the UN, academic. I. I. A ( International Informasiologicheskoy Academy ) at the UN. UFOLOC Fuad Gasimov.
  • Headofsector " Theoretical Foundations of Space Monitoring of the planet '', ANSA, Doctor of Physical - Mathematical Sciences, Academician of MEIA ( International Academy of Energy and Information ) at the UN, academic. I. I. A ( International Informasiologicheskoy Academy ) at the UN. UFOLOC Fuad Gasimov.


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